Family and Business Transactions Law
Under this legal department, our law firm seeks to provide a normally unattended matter that we certainly consider of high importance, since traditional Family Law lawyers and consultancies are not usually specialized in Commercial Law issues when these show up within a divorce or an inheritance.
For instance, when a couple is heading for divorce, we cannot simply ignore the fact that one or both of them may work as entrepreneurs or own a business in whatever legal manner available to do so. These kind of circumstances may rather turn as a key legal factor to be studied when organizing or claiming possible rights regarding the legal and economic consequences that may come along as a result of such divorce. And this is just one single example of many that may potentially occur within Family Law and its possible side-effects towards companies owned and/or ran by either member of the couple.
SUE Abogados & Economistas has gathered a legal team that holds experience both in Family Law and Commercial Law specialties, thus being able to provide a full and multiple legal advice under any kind of likely scenario as the above mentioned.